hit a nerve; ineptness etc.
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01-28-2008, 02:58 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
thanks so much. i'm much more rested today (made that post about insomnia).
when i'm tired everything seems so much worse. and naturally, this accounts for some, of the unfocused behavior. on a side note, this seems to be why i have/love to work outdoors. i think i'd just get sick working inside all day, everyday. not sure what will happen when i get old tho.
my emotions get the better of me. but i've an "excuse"; venus, sun, mars, neptune and mercury in scorpio {no wonder it's full on pure black metal!!!}. i've a mercury square saturn and a venus square jupiter, of all things. so it's always been hard to get anything significantly major accomplished.
another thing, because of my stormy/self stinging interior, is that i get highly defensive towards (even constructive) criticism. i've been fired several times due to this. tho i do feel justified (i've a libra ascendant : )
but just this morning (thanks guys), i said to myself, "the very next time it happens, let it go. (that is) that very one time. then after that one, try this again."
....what the !#@#@! did you say!!??? ha.
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