Norwegian message on Project Camelot
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06-01-2008, 06:52 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi anupama, i can imagine how this would hit home if you heard it about your own country, but trust me things like this are happening all over the world.
what we need to remember as lightworkers and conscious creators are all the choices that are available to us. this may very well be their future reality, but it
does not
need to be yours. there is no law that says we'll all experience the same [or even similar] things.
i remember d w talking about the 'looking glass' which shows you the future probabilities. (more on the lg at project camelot.) david was explaining how this device shows the future, but if 2 very different people use it they will not see the same future(s). apparently it's pretty accurate up 2012, and then it kinda fractures into different outcomes, at least that's how i understand it.
so my advice; be grateful for revelations like this, because it can be very helpful in choosing your own future. kinda like the old saying that a prophet whose predictions don't come to pass, is the true prophet, because the very act of alerting people to this probable outcome has allowed people to choose a different outcome.
i used to be married to a
psychic woman, who was also an excellent channel, but she couldn't control it very well. so we were driving home late one night and she started freaking out at the oncoming headlights. finally i realized that a different entity was using her body.
we had a lengthy conversation, (he was very intriqued by how cars work.) he claimed to be from the future, and went into a lengthy discourse about all the earth changes that were coming, and how he wanted to warn us. i listened for a while and even pulled out a tape recorder when we got home, so i got part of it on tape.
finally i just told him that i realized this was a probable reality but i was choosing not to participate in it. he was greatly offended by this, but i kept telling him this was not
future, because i was choosing a peaceful transition. he started getting very argumentative, and i finally said, "just look around; you will not find me there in your present."
he got very quiet for awhile, and finally admitted that even tho my ex wife and her son were there he could find no trace of me, either in his past or his present.... funny how we chose such completely different paths in
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