Proof for the existence of karma
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01-19-2008, 09:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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well, your thinking in a very 3d way of thinking. ie time is linear and therefore if i'm not evolved enough
at this time
then how can i judge myself? we are all part of the higher power of which you speak and all very much capable of doing a great many things.
your higher power may simply be your higher and evolved self, who is in existence at this very moment. there is no separation, time is just the illusion put in place in order that we can learn these lessons. even beyond that, the illusion is that we are separate from god, when in fact everything that is, is god. so even if it is a higher power judging you.. it's still you judging you, or god judging god, just in a way that makes it appear as some one or something else. that higher self also has the great advantage of being able to commune with the social complex, the archive of our experiences as a people. there is also the mass mind of all our people at that point, connected without separation from one another. i think the potential for your higher self being a very good judge is very high, given that it is nearing the end of our evolution as souls.
and it's important to understand, i don't mean judging as in condemning. it means to balance the acts and the choices we've made so that we can return to a state of karma that benefits our continued spiritual evolution. remember i am not just speaking about bad karma, but good karma too. when you get that bit of luck, or things seem to go your way in certain situations, that's karma too. certain skills that come easily to you are the result of good karma, one that you gained from using it in past lives, or the past etc. remember we are being encouraged by karma to choose a path of service to others, so service to self choices have bad karma and service to others choices have good karma.
however, i'm no expert but this seems to me to be a reasonable explanation from what i've read on the subject. besides all that this is a little beyond the scope of this post, which was to provide proof of karma.
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