The Moon
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01-19-2008, 02:02 AM
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Nov 2005
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The Moon
i generally wouldnt post a topic about a dream as they are often more personal than anything but i cam across a strange syncronisity just yesterday when i was reading one of davids free online books "the end of our century" and i believe it was chapter 2: the near future.
well anyways, a couple years ago i had this recurring dream about the moon. everytime i had this dream the moon was always full and more bigger than the last dream, an awe-inspiring sight and somewhat frightning at the same time. this was basically it, the dream would be me staring at the sky looking at this massive moon, and like i said it just kept getting bigger everytime i had the dream.
then came the last dream, when i looked at the moon this time, it covered the entire sky. the dream then flashed to me standing in the middle of crazed people running around like they where running away from something. then underneath my feet i felt the earth begin to move, and it felt like the earth was spinning rapidly and was out of control.
the dream then leaps forward to this scene where i am on a boat, and these boats are really oddly shaped, nothing i had ever seen before, and i went down inside this boat and there where these "people" like beings from another planet that where quizzing the humans, if they got the answer right, they lived, if they got it wrong, they died. i was asked a question which for the life of my i cant remember what it was now, but the answer was an "anchor", i got to take my family with me and the dream just kind of ended.
anyways, i was reading through this book of davids and i came across these two bits.
(for a time and till the end of time) and will
precede a solar eclipse, the darkest that has ever been since the
creation of the world, up to the death and passion of jesus christ and from
then till now.
and in the month of october a great notion will occur so that people will think the earth had strayed from
her course and was sunk in perâ*petual darkness; these will precede the vernal
david wilcock-
this truly final conflict is supposed to be played out
just before a
solar eclipse of utterly unusual darkness and duration
the world will
undergo an axial shift of slight magnitude but which will seem to human beings
like the end of the world.
reading these passages reminded me of my dream. of course i started to analyse it, and began to think about the moon.
for the moon to dissapear in a solar eclipse its visual size would actually have to be larger to cover up the sun completey, oddly enough the moon is just the right size to produce the "ring effect" during a solar eclipse. however if it was larger, the eclipse would be longer extremely dark as no light would be getting through and the moon nor the sun would be visible.
now the later parts of my dream and nostradamus's predictions begin to make a bit more sense, if the moon is getting closer, its effect on the earth is going to be greater the closer it gets, i guess this could be out of the ball park, but it would appear in my dream that the moon is so close that it literally caused the earths axis to shift, and inevitibly cause flooding as the moon effects the tides like a giant magnet(if thats the right way to describe it). obviously i dont understand the full extent of how much different aether performs differently that gravity so maybe someone might know why or how the moon or earth could get closer together.
or its just one of those things and nothing to take notice of, just seemed odd to me.
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