The Spiritual Significance of UFOs - A lecture by Don Elkins
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01-15-2008, 07:53 PM
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The Spiritual Significance of UFOs - A lecture by Don Elkins
dear friends,
be well, be love.
the spiritual significance of ufos - a lecture by don elkins
lecture by don elkins, given at jefferson community college
april 21, 1981
(please note that this is a transcription of the cassette recording, “the spiritual significance of ufos,” which can be ordered from l/l research. you can read about this cassette here.)
carla: this lecture was offered by donald tully elkins just four months after the beginning of l/l research’s contact with those of ra. the reader can see a bit of the ra slant on things in his presentation. however the concepts which the ra group enunciated so well are present also in many other, earlier confederation channelings which our research group had been collecting since the mid-fifties and creating in our own group since 1962.
don was thoroughly grounded in the entire range of ufo research, up to but not including the multitude of conspiracy theories, which he did not feel had much impact on the area he quickly became convinced was the richest vein of ore in this area of research: the spiritually or metaphysically oriented ufo messages and their implications.
this speech was given to an audience of seven, including myself, and was recorded on a cheap tape recorder which was placed on the floor close to don as he spoke in the large, nearly empty lecture theater. the recording was corrupted in places by interference from a radio station which broadcast its signal from the top of a high-rise building in the same downtown louisville neighborhood as the college. an advantage of reading this text version over listening to the recording is that the reader does not have to filter don’s voice out from the music which inadvertently accompanies his words from time to time!
i have often wished i had recorded don’s talks more often. he gave multitudes of them, and i never tired of listening to him, for he was a born storyteller and a man of great charm, wit and articulateness. however, don was a relatively young man, born in 1930 and at this time only 51. no one could guess that we would lose his voice so soon. don died only three years later.
at the time, don was a bit concerned that his audience was so small, and in the ra sessions, you can find this question to the ra group concerning this issue in session 48, which was recorded on april 22, 1981. don asked:
my lecture yesterday was attended by only a few. if this had occurred during a ufo flap, many more would have attended. since orion [1] entities cause the flaps, what is orion’s reward for visibility, in that they actually create greater opportunities for the dissemination of information such as this information at those times?
the ra group replied:
this assumption is incorrect. the flaps cause many fears among your peoples, many speakings, understandings concerning plots, cover-ups, mutilations, killings and other negative impressions. even those supposedly positive reports which gain public awareness speak of doom. you may understand yourself as one who will be in the minority due to the understanding which you wish to share, if we may use that misnomer. [2]
we perceive there is a further point we may posit at this time. the audience brought about by orion-type publicity is not seeded by seniority of vibration to a great extent. the audiences receiving teach/learnings without stimulus from publicity will be more greatly oriented towards illumination. therefore, forget you the counting.
in [any] event, we have sold hundreds of recordings of this talk, and the text’s presence on our web site will make it available literally to millions more. the counting has taken care of itself!
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