'Splain'n the "mass landing"
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01-15-2008, 12:06 AM
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Oct 2005
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if the 'insiders' happen to know that such a mass landing by benevolent et's was planned for the year 2012, it wouldn't surprise me if in the year or two before 2012 they stage their own 'mass landing' or mock up a mass appearance in the skies of earth of seemingly attacking 'alien' spacecraft, perhaps wreaking havoc with the conventional airforces and military bases of the world, thus fomenting fear of anything foreign appearing in the skies.
if this happens, those of us wise to this ploy may then go into overdrive in an attempt to tell the world what is going on in reality. even if this fake invasion doesn't occur, we will all be in a position to soothe fears if a bona fide mass landing of benevolent et's occurs in or around 2012.
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