info needed from anyone with knowledge
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11-01-2008, 05:22 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
one of the things that has helped me has been the mayan calendar.
just a little background. i recently lost my business, my home, and had to go through one of the most stressful times in my life. my wife and i saw a ufo back in 2003 and i recently started to research again after seeing the story about the disclosure project on larry king. that led me to project camelot which led me to david and the mayan calendar at the same time.
david posted a link to a presentation by ian lunglod about the mayan calendar and after seeing that 5 hour video, my life was changed forever.
suddenly all it made sense. i was never at more peace with myself or with what was going to happen after understanding what that video was about.
since that day i have devoted my time to helping spread the word and i have started meditation and some very interesting things have happened to me. i am a firm believer that if you take the time to look at this you will feel better.
for me this pulled all of the pieces of the puzzle together and i understand on a whole new level. which is what this is all about.
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