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06-26-2007, 11:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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thanks for the responses guys!
i am always a little apprehensive to post such a query as this. we all know there is alot of (mis)information out there, and upon open-minded contemplation, we will utlimately make the correct determination of value.
for me, the "power" of the "syncs" were what compelled me to post about this. i don't look for them (check receipts, etc.), but when i do observe them, its by surprise (which i would translate to "meaningful" observation of "syncs"). my intention is not to offend anyone here, but to provide a "background". if you do check receipts, great - i'm not trying to put ya down.
i checked the link out and "wow!". hey, i can "experience" for an hour on 7/17, looking forward to it in fact! i think alot of great things have been, are, and will continue to happen. and, stories like this, and "events" like this are things i want to "be in the know".
as for 07/07/07, i'm just gonna wait and see. "play it" like anyother "day". my real name is art and one of my close friends makes comments from time to time, "art imitating life". :d taking this "concept" and the "concept of now", no other day is any less important than another. conversely then, no other "day" would be more important than any other. each is a gift, and the opportunities on any given day are there. while it is true that some days hold more "opportunities" than others (shortcuts?), days like "this" only strengthen the "growth" through "proactive experience" rather than "reactive experience".
in other words, are you going to "make your future" or "react to your future"?
awareness of "dates" like "07/07/07" are great, but i don't put much "stock" into them, unless backed up by overwhelming "scientific evidence". so, in regards to the link, the event on 07/17/07 is one we should all participate in. but, to assume that something extraordinary will occur on 07/07/07 is probably going to be a let down from a "reactive" standpoint. on a "proactive" standpoint, no. on this standpoint, it may "set the tone" for 07/17/07...
ahh... i've gone off tangent again. again, thanks for the link michelle and smikejam. one day, every second of every moment will be spent "together". as we "do" this more and more, i feel we will move towards "social memory complex"... :d
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