do u do TM?
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02-02-2008, 05:04 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i went thru the training about 20 years ago, and practiced it for a few years, before experimenting with other styles. i agree its not that much different from any other mantra meditation. in other words i think you could use about any traditional mantra and with clear intent, you could achieve virtually the same thing.
now there are some good points to it, tho. for instance the follow-up sessions can keep you going where you may get discouraged on your own.
and the investment.... after investing that much money, you may be more inclined to keep doing it, than if you had no money invested.
frankly i didn't find it all that helpful, personally. i do think it would be
helpful to someone who is not already meditating, [which i was]. the main reason i did it at the time, was because of the family discount, i thought it would be a good way to get my (ex)wife and my stepson interested in meditation. he was pretty rebellious as a kid, so it might've helped him (who knows?) but i do know he's currently working with the local christian youth, so i guess he didn't turn out to bad, eh?
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