Please can someone help me with this?
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12-25-2007, 03:10 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi jane,
i'm sorry to hear that you are going through such as things. i wish to be help but i can say what i would do only if i'm in ur situation.
first of all, i'd go to see a doctor to find out if my brain is developing cancer or anything similar to it and then check the blood pressure, and then check the blood vessles through your neck and around your head to see how healtthy they are. also i'd double check my diet.
if they are all normal, then i would suspect a possibility that some 4th density beings try to place some implant to prevent your merkava to be activated or brand your wisdom eyes so that you can't open up to higher wisdom or maybe you might be just waking up. it's only an assumption but well a lot of people seem to say these things. and i'm not sure if all those implants are done by negative beings only if there's certain implants have been really placed. a guy friend who is a channel/healer practitioner told me that his arcuturain folks tried to implant something on his head. if it's the case of implants, i'd surf all those materials on line to take care of this problem.
well, regarding brains, there could be multiple reasons for when it has problems like yours.
but know that, you have a right to choose, your free will where to put your consciousness(thoughts) and you well know that, our thoughts provide the ground for the reality that we belong.
i mean, to make things simple, things get really simple. it might not as serious as you assume,
so less worries i hope.
i wish you well,
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