Mood-swings, Chakras, Medication- advice please
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12-12-2007, 06:33 PM
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Oct 2005
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hello ameliejolie,
i have had some issues with mood swings as well. i think this is probably a common obstacle among highly empathic and sensitive people. i can share a little of my own experience with you. i find that when i am stressed out and becoming overwhelmed i start to eat poorly and don't get good quality or enough rest which in effect makes me cranky and irritable and the negative side of me starts to come out. i am prone to becoming kind of frantic with a lot of frenetic nervous energy and i start to get run-down and tired, so, i start to drink a lot of caffeine which gets me through the next few hours but really makes the mood swings worse. i have found that the best thing, for me, is a good water fast or a juice cleanse or a raw vegetable cleanse depending on your level of experience with these things. this really calms me down and i start to feel alive, energetic, clear-headed and have a sense of happiness and well-being. of course, lots of meditation throughout this is fantastic. after the cleanse i try to keep up the healthy diet by eating as many raw fruits and veggies as possible which helps me to cope with the general anxiety of our existence with more stability and positivity.
the bottom line is that your diet can play a big role in mood swings, especially for people who are coping with a lot of stress and self medicating with caffeine, sugar and white flour is also quite bad for you. hope that helps, it was several months of adjustment before i cut out the bad and got used to eating mostly raw fruits and veggies.
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