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Old 09-12-2007, 03:17 PM   #2

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Oct 2005
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hi kathy!
i know exactly what you're talking about as far as feeling all sorts of aches and pains and temporary allergic reactions. initially it was frightening, but as my consciousness has been opening and expanding, i see all the symptoms as being connected to ascension/evolution of all--thus, temporary in nature and a part of the process, and nothing to be mortally frightened of. our biological bodies are changing, just as david's research on dna is showing--and yes, pain comes with that, though it need not last insufferably long either.

the pains have also played a key part in making me aware of core beliefs (emotional and mental) that i've been manifesting my experiences from unconsciously before. i use them as a tool--a reminder to take care of myself first, in order that i have the energy to care for "others;" and i use their location to connect to the chakra area (life issue) that is blocked. and they've gradually lessened and most of them have ultimately disappeared, but i went through years of it to begin with until i learned what they meant for me and how to use them to peel back the "layers of onion." when i'm feeling tired i know it's good for me to lay down for a bit. it's my way of returning to center.

yes--i feel earth's (gaia's) and other's shifts often as my own due to ultimately all of us being one. it's also why i've discovered it's so important for me to return to center, rather than hold those energies inside of me by trying to deny they are there. i do that by acknowledgement of what i'm thinking and feeling (no monitoring as to whether it's right or wrong) and stating clearly whether i'm choosing to own it or letting it simply pass through.

i am an empath, too, and i appreciate your other posts on the subject. i've come to realize that all of us humans are psychic, but as with me, until i heard other well-known psychics describe how they saw the energies--that other people's stories translated to the psychic as his/her own experience (feelings, thoughts, images)--i went through most of my life ignorant to that fact up until a few years ago. i'd often be in tears for no reason at all (embarrassingly so) and i'd find one moment i'd be at peace with myself and the next i'd be critical and frustrated with myself--i was "picking up" on other's consciousness energies.

i look into my mirrors at home and i feel great about myself. i look into the mirrors in a changing room in a store and suddenly i'm feeling very ugly and less than.

that's why city energies can be so draining--a lot of "stuff" in a small area. we lived in minneapolis (a fairly good-sized metropolitan area) for 17 years and i didn't realize how much i was being bombarded with until this past year when we moved to a smaller town in nd. if you live in a city, sacred space is sacred! david has shared on this topic as well.

it's important for everyone to know that each and every one of us is psychic...and it's not selfish to choose not to carry someone else's stuff as your own. when we "return to sender with love" we honor that person's free will and journey; and we shine our own light by not compromising ourselves for someone else's choice. we're simply saying, "i love you for being and i see the gift you're bearing me in the moment our paths cross. i don't need to change you, nor do i need to mold myself to fit your story either."

thanks much, kathy, for all your recent posts--glad to see you here...
much love and great appreciation,
jabader is offline


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