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06-12-2007, 08:13 PM
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Oct 2005
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this guy is evangelical. one of the problems of christianity is that it sets absolutes. one of those happens to be that if a prophet makes any mistake, he is obviously a false prophet. in christian theology, there is a set plan that god intends to fulfill, regardless of man's involvement, the future is set in stone and the path cannot be altered.
so (from personal experience) christians systematically denounce anything that falls outside of christian or biblical dogma. this is basically a tenant of their faith. it makes it very difficult for them to trust outside sources of information or source which is one of the reasons its so hard to expand their beliefs beyond the bible.
what this does is narrow their vision, they cannot see that in reality, the future is simply not set and is under our control. while in the long run, we are destined to return to the one, the path of getting there is our own choice. that means that while prophesy can be accurate, there is always a chance that the future will change in spite of it. prophesy, in this nature, is more a probability than an absolute because the one thing it cannot change is freedom of choice.
to think of it from another way, lets say you are are a lab technician testing mice in a maze. at each turn or split in the path, there is a likelihood that the mouse will choose a certain path. being as you are looking from above, you can see all the possibilities the mouse can take, and the most likely path he might take. you can see where he's come from and how that affects where he's going. in the same way, prophesy comes from a perspective with a larger viewpoint, it sees all the circomstances up till that point, which point to a future with a greater potential of coming about, based on past events. that does not prevent another future from existing, or as to say, a mouse from choosing an unexpected path. while the prophesy points out the most likely future, it does not prevent other possible futures from existing simultaneously and therefor being a very real possibility
also, i think in cayce's case, dw has mentioned some where that the reasons his prophesies did not in fact all come true was due to the fact he was experiencing and expressing some negativity at the time, which was affecting his visions.
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