North American "Ley Lines"
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11-10-2007, 02:01 PM
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Oct 2005
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art--i don't if this is relevant, but i, too was interested in north american ley lines. we had a man show up in bowman, nd who had been in south africa (if i remember correctly) and he spoke of the "native american pyramid of the dove." he'd done something of a personal intuitive test to find the hot spots in north america that he personally wanted to visit--north carolina and our little town in sw north dakota showed up for him--thus our fortune in having him.
in a search this dove covers ground from canada to central america--it's supposed to take the place of the eagle. i came across one site called "the initiation of the pyramid of the dove." there are other maps out there which i've heard are more clear, but i didn't find them personally.
also, i seem to connect a great deal with the cherokee--got a bit in my ancestry so please keep me posted if you find any new things to check out.
it's wonderful to see all these sacred sites in distant places, but i have a profound sense that north america holds many such places, as well--they just haven't been noticed yet.
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