North American "Ley Lines"
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11-30-2007, 11:30 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
dear art, frank,doug...
and everyone,
in 2012 databank ,thread " the 2007 crop circles enfolding", mentioned work of richard leviton (signs on the earth). prolific writer w/many titles available. you may want to see
and read back cover from his "the emerald modem:a user's guide to earth's interactive energy body". out in 2004, described as "this is the first book to synthesize all the fragments of geomantic perception(sacred sites, energy points, vortexes, etc.) into a global interactive model that ties human consciousness directly to it."
"the galaxy on earth: a traveler"s guide to the planet"s visionary geography"(2002) offers more. fr bk cover leviton relays,
"we live, he says, on a planet where gods and myths are alive in the landscape, and visions of the spiritual world and mystic experience are abundant. it's all part of earth's multi-layered spiritual body."
why do i feel that he is one of the brightest lights on the planet?
he wrote, "the imagination of pentecost:rudolf steiner & contemporay spirituality".
fred allen wolf, ph.d "leviton's book peels away the often misleading media attempts to cover up the "new age" and comes up with an intelligent, clearly written vison of modern spirituality and rudolf stienr's contribution to it. it is one fo the most complete comparative studies of anthroposophy to emerge in a long time. it covers nearly everything you want to know about your soul, cosmic intelligence, the holy ghost, lucifer, the mystery schools, and much, much, more.
his book , "physician:medicine and the unsuspected battle for human freedom" is equally enlightening, fr bk cover:"in an impassioned argument that is at once metaphyscial and practical, philosophical, and therapeutic. physicianoutlines the fundamental differences between conventional and alternative medicine, explaining how each approach fosters an attitude about consciousness and the environment, about the body and the world. in meticulous detail, physician shows how alternative medicine works with the intricate energy connections linking our thoughts with our body and our body with the natural world, and how consciousness can heal and change the world- all of which conventional medicine denies."
people on this list want the kind of clarity he offers.
theologian richard drummond described steiner and cayce as the two most significant contributions to spirituality/religious thought in the twentieth century.
edgar cayce reading 2376-3
"be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. these are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. be happy of it and give thanks daily for it." nina
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