Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness
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11-30-2007, 10:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness
dear friends,
be well, be love.
esoteric anatomy: the body as consciousness
by bruce burger, ma
we invite you to contemplate an ancient vision of the universe
as a living, breathing, conscious being . . . and the ubiquitous golden spiral as the mathematical expression of the life breath of a living universe.
chapter 8
the golden spiral:
a key to understanding energy in nature
all creation is the interweaving of cycles. from galactic manifestation to subatomic waves, the universe is a vast spectrum of cycles. the cycles of birth and death, summer and winter, day and night, in-breath and out-breath weave the fabric of life. the ancient rishis (yogi's who purified their body/minds and directly experienced the fundamental forces of creation) experienced the underlying unity of all cycles as the breath of brahma and the ubiquitous periodicity of the universe as the rhythm of the life breath of a single harmonious living being.
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