Healing within to heal 'without'
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08-19-2007, 03:44 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
thanks for this post and its information!
my dad passed away four years ago--and since that time (i was with him), i've become aware of the sense that when one person leaves this human body--the world as known to,and perceived by, only that person passes with him/her. it fit the idea of "how many lightworkers does it take to change a world?--only one." each of us seems to be the source and center and sovereign of the world we perceive--no one else sees or lives it in our own unique way. no one else is privy to every thought, feeling or perception that passes through our awareness.
i'm conscious of honoring another's beingness, but also aware that anyone or anything seemingly "outside" of me is also lovingly playing out the role i scripted for them to play for me--thus, if i see their gift for me in helping me discover more of myself, then i also simultaneously release them from having to play that role for me anymore.
with much appreciation for your sharing this....
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