How does one forgive the US Government?
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11-14-2007, 01:09 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hello flachiefsfan,
the truth is that we can not control any one, be it a person, a country, the goverment etc. what we can control is ourself and our actions of self.
i applaud you for asking such a difficult question and bringing forward a harder issue that most of us are also feeling and thinking about.
if we are directly involved with matters that we can act upon using our true selfs, it would be wonderful, to see this love in action to make appropriate changes. if we are not directly involved, we can have faith in our creator and his people and trust that all is were it should be.
this i believe is were our universal conscious thoughts come into major play. by having faith in oneself, as we witness events that are not sitting well within, our own loving thoughts or prayers come in. these simple acts, that each of us today can control, do matter and we do collectively make a difference .
for ever peace and good will., r
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