How does one forgive the US Government?
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11-14-2007, 02:44 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
it is particularly difficult to forgive governments when they are still not acting in our interests. i know it's important not to get too angry or fearful about the things governments are doing to weaken us and keep us in a state of fear as this is simply counter-productive and is what they want. for me it is particularly hard not to think about it at moments like this when i look out of my window and i see chemtrails being sprayed and criss-crossing in the sky. do other people find the chemtrails particularly frustrating? i don't know what their purpose is exactly but to me they are always a constant reminder that the people in power see us as 'the herd'. they often ruin what would be a beautifully blue and natural sky. all the same i know that there is nothing i can do personally to stop this happening at this time. i find the best approach is to stay positive, not worry and know that everything is going to be fine.
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