How does one forgive the US Government?
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11-15-2007, 03:35 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i too had great animosity toward our elected officials for those things they have done. i was especially p.o.'ed about the continuing war in iraq. according to some estimates they has been a total of 1.3 million iraqi's that have died since the war started. we are also leaving behind "depleted uranium that will be an enviromental tragedy for future generations of people.
i can not figure out why we are still there. it's not for the reasons given by our government and isn't to insure freedom.
anyway, what has helped me is the theory that most of our elected officials are "soul less clones" that must listen to their masters. the individuals started out life as the same as anyone else but once they deviated from their masters wishes they were replaced with souless clones.
i can not arose a lot of animosity for a biological robot.
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