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Old 10-18-2007, 02:45 AM   #25

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Oct 2005
Senior Member
when i first came to this place, i was in awe of the amazing things i'd discovered.

however, the more i think about it, the thing that really bothers me is the whole issue of so-called [b]"free will"

the more i think about it, there really isn't any such thing as [b]"free will"

any "free will" that we possess, in the purest and truest sense, is, i feel, very small.

we are like "sparks of the divine", of infinite consciousness, encased inside this biological robot body, slaves to the ebb and flow of our personal environments, which we have no control over- only influence- for this is a reality of our collective consciousness, not just our own.

i feel that there is no such thing as free will.....because......if we could only life the veil....if we could only allow others to see and feel the true unity of all beings and all of creation.....then there wouldn't be any evil, for goodness sake!!!!

it is not people who are evil!!! [b]it is only their ignorance!

we are all innocents and we all deserve freedom from this pointless, perpetual slavery.

i am cynical too about white robed beings going about in these space-crafts. very advanced beings wouldn't need to use a machine, for one thing.
another thing is that i've heard that the "bad guys" can dress up as, pretend, to be "the good guys".
you only have to look to religious scriptures across all the cultures to see how we've been manipulated by these "more advanced" beings since the very beginnings of time as we think of it........

only those who are serving others by at least 50% will get through?

well, i suppose if you believe in free will, then it seems more or less justified.....when the people who aren't choosing to serve others by this amount aren't going to witness death and destruction, but are only going to be taken to another earth.....that is if the beings giving this guidance are telling the truth.

the thing is though, it doesn't make sense to me.
the whole belief in "free will" doesn't make sense to me.

i do trust david wilcock. i can see a pure heart, honesty and a gentleness of spirit just through his eyes.

however, i can't trust these white robed beings....not just yet.

joseph smith, the prophet for the mormon church, was visited by such a being known as moroni. it all sounds very, very similar.....i can even see many similarities in the ascension stuff and the teachings of the mormon church. they too believe in different 'kingdoms', or dimensions.....and believe practically no-one will go to hell, unlike some of the other religions.....
there are many similarities in mormonism and freemasonry.....and i think many of us will have heard a bit about them!

i hope i will be able to find some answers soon.

sincerely, love.
dear amelie

i didn't realize the level of hurt you are struggling with -- such doesn't show up in many of your communications. you most often seem full of questing vigor touched with a dose of sauciness.

agreed. as you can witness, life is a tremendous struggle! some wit once commented that if life was going too smoothly then one wasn't pulling his/her share of the load. you have obviously challenged yourself mightily! from the readings it is pointed out that many souls are so ambitiously eager to accomplish a geat deal in their incarnation they bite off more than they can easily chew. but we are assured by these questionable guys in the long white robes that nothing goes to waste; there are simply no mistakes.

i see that i have just a few moments before i have to leave, so this posting will be sketchy. (maybe i can continue later.)

and, yeah, i came from a mormon background on my father's side, so i know something about it. in fact my great grandfather was a president of the 70. i know that he ritualistically consigned his descents to follow him to whatever, forever .... ! talk about a gross violation of free will! the book of mormon has to rank as one of the lowest register's on the scale of believability. it set a record on the use of the repetitive, "and it came to pass"
i don't recommend anyone joining the church of jesus christ and latter day saints -- unless they are aiming for a career in the fbi -- or think it a neat idea to assemble a harem in the utah wilds.

yes, some "ets" from the lower densities do use physical space ships. others examples are described as thought forms. your objection really misses the mark. do a search on also there is a book available on that site called secrets of the ufo. (it predates the ra material but is still quite valuable.)

about the question of free will. people keep talking about free will -- taking it for a given -- without ever stopping to first try and define the term. it is one of the most difficult question in philosphy and theology.

my favorite theologian, w.g.t. shedd used much of 1800 pages in his 1894 magnum opus, dogmatic theology wrestling with this problem. i've never seen anything better. trouble is contemporary theologians don't understand what he said ...they pay shedd lip service -- even misuse some of the terminology -- but it is obvious that they just don't "get it."

last year i posted a list of shedd's negative and positive definitions of the will on the previous divine cosmos site... but i can't find it via a search of the archives. in fact i can't even find myself listed in the archives (double eeek!)

a concise, workable description concerning the will goes something like this: "the freedom of the will is the inclination of the permanent spiritual self." for better or worse the so-called freedom of the will is found in an individual's power to more, no less. its not so much what we can do or can't do, its that we express our nature our vital choices are not really free because they are governed by our nature. spastic actions of mere caprice cannot be really considered real examples of free will as we like to think of it.

one can make a choice to start smoking...then develop the habit. one cannot later painlessly eliminate the habit by using a mere wave-of-the-hand free-will choice... by an act of the will a suicide can jump off a cliff...but can't reverse the action by a belated free will choice.

i'm getting desperate trying to help! look! get hold of a copy of the third millenium. it will smooth your mood!

gotta go!!!



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