love, however you define it, is what people believe love is, and it is very easily abused in this world. that is what i mean by "it's not that powerful". love cannot prevent being used and abused. it just doesn't have that power. it has some other powers, but not that one. other emotions are more powerful in preventing abuse. anger is one, for example, as i've already said. no being, none to my knowledge, will feel comfortable when it's faced with and angry opponent. a really angry opponent, strongly determined to defend its freedom. however, anger is a good tool only in the beginning. it takes just too much energy. in the end, what is really needed is just pure determination, intent, will. there are many words for it. love, sorrow, anger, and all the rest of the bunch become just emotions. each no better or worse than the other one. each has its place, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.