Anyone practicing (anything) who can help?
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11-10-2007, 01:56 PM
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Oct 2005
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frank, i read the first few lines and thought it best to stand back and send all of your family an influx of the highest degree of love and energy that may transit through me. i chose not to be caught up in the pain that all of you are experiencing for reasons beyond my wildest imagination. i choose not to feed the energy that is tearing all of you apart by becoming attached to the details of what is happening.
i can only
that you consider doing the least expected thing for a man in your position. it may sound like a "milk-toast" solution, but it will take you to the place of greatest power....and allow space for the highest energy to flow through you, healing and blessing all concerned.
1) release the painful emotions and judgments regarding your wife, the process you are going through, etc.
2) find healing silence as often as possible, connecting with your highest guidance and your true self
3) know that there is more to this picture than meets the eye, but open yourself to be a vehicle for divine love and its guidance
4) keep your energy in check, for it is anger, anxiety, fear and the whole caboodle that will block the very best from happening
5) trust that love will prevail, no matter what the outer picture seems to present; continue sending love and thoughts of peace and harmony to every member of your family, the judge, the courthouse, then....
6) just let go of all struggle and trust....may the blessings be!
with infinite love,
jo anne
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