Truth Sets you free
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09-26-2007, 09:25 PM
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Oct 2005
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ok, so then my next question would be, do i need to know you?
my friend, your correct in that i don't know you. i don't know who you are, or anything about you. so when you come out saying that your the truth and the light, forgive me for being skeptical. i am aware of consciousness and consciousness concepts, my words are just as self aware as your's are. my concepts are just as aware as your's are and while my truth may or may not be distorted as i understand it, i make no claims to any special truth as you do.
'depart from me, i never knew you' as jesus is reported to say at the judgment seat to those who claimed to prophesy and cast out demons in his name, but failed to heed the message he had given. while we can draw a multitude of archetypes and metaphorical truths from this one event shown in the bible, people have also taken the fear of 'not knowing' the truth and used to to create belief systems that entrap people, creating followers instead of thinkers. they are always chasing after the truth because some one created the system to keep them from looking outside of it. they also usually create the illusion that god is outside of you as well. they keep them looking in the wrong place.
dw has allot to say, the ra information, the seth information all make claims to the truth.. but only so far as to help people understand that they are already operating in truth and they are perfect as they are no matter how 'wrong' they ma appear. theirs is a 'take it or leave it' truth, they simply provide in hopes that people will grow. they never provide the truth as something you have to follow them to get. the only hidden truth to them is the the question you haven't thought to ask. in that spirit, i ask, do i need to know you?
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