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Old 07-22-2007, 03:43 PM   #20

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this person is very grateful to have been able to disengage from the antidepressants, it amazes me to witness how much grace flows with such sense of gratitude and so much prayer energy.

thank you for sharing that experience. you "witnessed" first hand how destructive these medications can be. i liked your quoted phrase, for when i finally accepted responsibility, accountability, for "learning to cope" (as penny mentions), i too have been grateful for having finally gained the wisdom and strength to learn these lessons so many take for granted. you mentioned prayer energy and one of my favorities is:
god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change;
courage to change the things i can; and wisdom to know the difference. although i won't profess to be a strong christian in the religious sense, i have built my spiritual foundation on these teachings and some of the "basic prayers" such as the serenity prayer. however, my spiritual needs were never met with the fear-based and separation message found in so many churches. i often converse with a strong christian about oneness, and one of my main "talking points" is that jesus "set the standard". in other words, don't focus solely on the crucifiction; keep in mind that jesus "lived a life of love". and, it is from here that we begin to agree on the main "concepts" - love and service to others. :d

kinda went off on a tangent there. i would venture to say that many people who are taking these medications are not "in touch with the spirit" of their mind/body/spirit complex (remember, we are mainly talking antidepressants here). in my experience, i traded the prescriptions and materialistic addictions, which never filled the void, for the pursuit of spiritual reconnection, which has. and, for beginning to achieve a sense of wholeness, i am truly grateful. :d

again, thanks for sharing your experiences.

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