Why can't I be special too?
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09-18-2007, 02:56 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
very well said!
i agree... we all contribute to the whole of the sonship.
everyone is playing their part in the reunification of the sonship and the healing of the mind that thinks it is separate from that which it perceives as 'outside' of itself.
we are all one!
all gifts are shared and all of us have played both the victim and the victimizer, the giver and the taker, the lover and the hater, and the gifted and the sleeper.
everything is and has been unfolding according to plan. there are no accidents. we can only delay our perception of truth. we can never change it.
when we think "why can't i be special too?" or "why can't i have xyz" or "how come i don't have xyz" what we are really saying is that we're not happy with what we have or who we are.
but in truth, we have exactly what we have asked for and we are exactly who we're supposed to be.
remember the song "don't worry... be happy"?
i believe that one of the reasons that song became so popular was that it spoke a universal truth. it resonated with many people who saw the truth reflected in that song.
it does not matter what we think or believe... all of us are headed towards the inevitable, unchangeable reunion of self and the healing of the separated mind.
all is one...
we need only awakening to this.
best to all!
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