Help with ideas for class
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08-31-2007, 04:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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i know it sounds simple, but kids role play naturally--as i'm sure you well know. i remember doing it a lot with my brother, friends and cousins. my mom taught elementary school and had a children's book of plays that my cousins and i found. we put on our own production--no adults needed--and we had a blast creating the costumes and the scenes (lots of blankets and chairs--ha!).
i can see role playing helping us all to not get "stuck" in our stories (reality illusions) in which we are both the audience (observer) and the actors/actresses.
you could maybe encourage awareness of their world, now moment and the divine intelligence in everything by having them imagine what it would be like, and then act out, being a caterpillar creating a cocoon and then emerging as a butterfly. imagine being a tree or a leaf on the tree starting out as a bud and eventually falling to the ground in the autumn. go from the tiniest ant or bug out into the cosmos--and play. it's fun to watch what emerges. kids don't need scripts--just a little mustard seed...
loved the flying saucer!
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