so, my question to the members of this forum, is have any of you had experience in "teaching" meditative skills to other people? i certainly am no meditation guru, but wholeheartedly believe in it, because i have personally seen the results in my capacity to learn, etc. in addition, i realize there are inherent risks in undertaking such a task... i settled on the idea of trial with several of my students this semester (those who are interested and suffer from test anxiety), and if there is success, i feel comfortable enough to present "workshops" - 10 to 15 minute presentations in other classes next semester. again, i am no expert and have never done this before, but the motivation and energy is there, and i believe under the right circumstances, with the right people, magical things can and will happen. any feedback would be greatly appreciated, up to and including links to websites, other information, etc. i know the tm guys have great videos on you-tube with testimonials - but i'm not really trying to teach a "technique" - i believe meditation (quieting the mind) is personal, and therefore, subjective...