How it all started
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08-27-2007, 01:19 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
it seems harder to conceive of nothing than something. i don't think there can be both. it also seems harder to think of a bunch of things rather than one all inclusive thing, as this would seem to suggest a bunch of nothing between them. so therefore it seems harder to think of everything than only one all inclusive thing.
it also seems harder to conceive of 'start/finish' than 'always was, always will be', as this also seems to suggest some nothingness before and after. it seems harder to conceive of always 'was/will be' than only ever 'now', because past and future don't really exist. they can't be visited, they're not there. only now seems to exist.
the conscious mind seems designed only to think in parceled bits of start/stop, before and after, here and there, something and nothing. perhaps only deeper levels of consciousness can comprehend otherwise...good reason to start meditating!
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