Cruisin' the Universe with David, and Friends...
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04-14-2007, 11:52 AM
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Nov 2005
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Cruisin' the Universe with David, and Friends...
hello to all!
this is intended to serve as a message of deep, and heart-felt appreciation for the entity known as, "david," who has been a consistant, tireless, (with occasional down-time) "worker in the light;" performing various missions down through the ages, perhaps always knowing that this time, and "job" was on his future resume. well, the time is finally here, and he is once again taking the lead, and not for all of us to follow along behind him anymore, but to march right along beside him in this time.
for all of those who have awakened, are awakening, or are having trouble getting the sleep from your eyes, make this your home page. dive into this material, and take away whatever resonates with your soul, and come back often, because unlike no other place, this site is actually evolving before our eyes, and you are invited to join the evolution!
on a personal note: i was a participant in davids' first public outing, in october 2004, which he called "healing the atlantean wound." seventeen of us got to share in an 8 day adventure on a beautiful new cruise ship. (i got stuck sharing a cabin with a guy named nelson, who snored. lucky for me, i had packed my ear-plugs) on our last night together aboard, we received a ra reading intended for the group,, that david later admitted was a surprise to him also. well, we got the message. several bonds formed during those 8 days at sea, sailing over parts off a once great continent, and have continued, and strengthen to this day.
about six months later, twenty-six or so of us now, traveled to egypt; gathered in the king's chamber of the great pyramid, traveled the length of the country, from cairo, to abu-simbal, and got a lot of sand in our shoes. but that's another story...
and just who am i, you might ask? well, i'm a railroad engineer, originally from cleveland, ohio. i drive trains.
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