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12-07-2007, 04:38 PM
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Oct 2005
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ra states that negative entities can only manipulate us through our own distortions. it is only our own issues, insecurities, fears, limitations - all ultimately self-imposed - that negatives take advantage of. that is to say,
they have no innate power over others that is not given to them freely
as a result of our own choices.
ra does mention that negatively polarized entities incarnating into third density often do program their incarnations for greater physical health and attractiveness. so there's little doubt that physical beauty is used to manipulate and control others. but that is only to the extent that psychological / energetc imbalances around sexuality are pervasive in our society. these undercurrents that tie sexual issues with issues of guilt and shame or repression are found throughout modern human societies, so it is a common weakness in individuals that makes the investment in one's attractiveness quite effective.
that doesn't mean that we're powerless, because it is self-examination and work on the self that releases us from these issues and returns to us the power we've surrendered to others or to our distortions. by balancing our own issues with sexual attraction, for example, we engage in a process that uses catalyst for experience and self growth. our society of late does encourage individuals to buy into a culture of victimhood and powerlessness, of instant gratification and dependence on authority and central management. in this context, we are presented with what is perhaps a tough experience, but that's life - nobody will liberate us but ourselves.
there are more and less efficient ways to use this catalyst, and it seems to me that the difference is delineated by our perspective, our attitude. to the extent that negative people influence and manipulate us, these are opportunities for learning lessons about ourselves and the creator. this is why ra constantly refer to negative experiences, such as psychic attacks, with expressly benign terms such as "negative greeting" - when viewed as opportunities rather than obstacles or attacks, these experiences are paths to liberation, not subservience, because they point towards what we can do, rather than what is being done to us.
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