Trophy Wives
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07-30-2007, 10:34 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i thought this was an interesting topic and the responses have been well communicated. i only wanted to briefly add my own perspective.
so much of what i gathered from the loo material revolved around intent. in a given situation one's intent can have powerful results, in that thoughts are things. so perhaps in some instances intent means a lot, say for example a man may be with a woman that is manipulative because she desires him for money. in this case her intent seems pretty well defined, she is self serving, and doesn't really care for or love him. but the man in this situation may have a completely different perspective and his intent might be to love her without restraint and be oblivious to the idea that he is being used even to the point of ignoring pleas from others about the situation. it is a very common story, but it is an interesting lesson of love. given the choice does he abandon her and balance love with wisdom, seeing the truth behind her intent? or maybe he is acting out of service to others by giving unbiased love and offfering catalyst to the woman hoping that she can eventually learn the lesson to not manipulate others?
i think that the lessons of love between individual entities here on earth in the here and now are complex are varied and it seems to make sense to me that there can be so much complexity in the expression of love as we see them in this denisty as we strive to experience some of the infinite richness of the creator experiencing itself. love is a battlefield i guess. sorry about that last part, just trying to show i wasn't taking myself
seriously. :d
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