Need an experience defined - staring into the mirror?
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12-07-2007, 02:32 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i love this! thanks, all, for all you've been sharing! these are all so unique to the individual. in my personal experiences i've found myself talking myself through it, telling me to "just breathe, relax and go with it--that everything is going to be okay." and it is--even down to experiencing what i perceived as drowning (which was a fear of mine as long as i can remember). i told myself everything was going to be okay, to just allow it. i remember checking to see if it was cold, but it wasn't, nor was it hard or painful to breathe. i just sank and emerged into full consciousness, completely at peace and amazed at what had happened. it had never happened before that i could remember. i had been in four different scenes which were symbolic and untranslatable until much later in my life--understandings are still coming forth from that particular experience.
now i seem to be grounding the energies in the earth consciousness, bringing understandings that i pick up in other realms back here rather than "escaping out there." intention seems to be a key here. i shifted from "wanting to leave this planet and my perceived painful life and seeming failures" to "i'm here for a long time because it's an honor to be here and i don't want to miss a thing." my sister-in-laws named me penelope nonstop years ago, and i've realized that giggly nut is back and i'm enjoying her.
and your "twin" who's been labeled "manic"--i firmly believe most people who've been labeled with mental/emotional "illnesses" have just been reflecting to us all the consciousness leap. they've been experiencing these things (obes, "past"-life episodes, etc.), not knowing it's possibly a gift for better understanding of themselves. and because of their fears and inexperience and our society's lack of understanding--the psychology profession included--they're getting medicated and stygmatized and told they are "permanently" such and such a way the rest of their lives. it creates individual powerlessness and hopelessness. but i see this all changing the more we share our own stories just like you all did here. thanks so much. you can't believe how this excites me!
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