I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
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07-13-2007, 07:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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i've noticed a disconnect from the old social activities as well--some i even chose to no longer be a part of. i just quit trying to mold myself to fit into a suit i thought was the only one i could wear in order to be accepted by those around me. but i have also noticed that one-by-one i'm reconnecting with people from my past and i'm also being approached by strangers who see me as a safe space--and we're talking authentically.
i have relatives who are mormon, one of them a cousin the same age as i am with whom i'm able to talk about these new energy experiences. mormonism originally started out as a revealed religion, and my cousin shared with me that they've gotten too intellectual about it--the pendulum swings wide at first--but that she also senses a change in the works.
fear drives us to religion in our initial search for answers--and the traditional approaches while providing comfort for a short time seem to eventually be unable to fulfill that which we can only find within our individual selves--appropriately so.
you're definitely there for a purpose and i think the more you see it as the gift it is that you gave yourself, the more people (one by one, because that's when it feels safe to share) you will find seeking out your loving, compassionate, authentic company. you'll be reflecting their magnificence back to them--most likely, you already are.
thanks for bringing this up--it can feel kind of lonely out there for awhile, can't it!
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