Mental Chronomics
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11-07-2007, 05:52 PM
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Oct 2005
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Mental Chronomics
i found this interesting article about the rythms of moods. there is a 260 day rythm, hmmm now where have we heard about 260 days before???? donald
mental chronomics
my research through july 13, 2006 is reported below:
the future of the universe of biology is increasingly being granted to the new science of chronomics. the major premise of the new science is the embedding of critical information about timing in human dna. chronomics can be viewed as the scientific explanation for serial ordering in biological phenomena. this problem of serial ordering -- such as regulating growth in the embryo and post-natal development through adulthood and old age -- has never completely fallen under the purview of science. until now.
my specialty is serial-ordering of mental phenomenon, such as the human moods, emotions, dreams and mental states. to a accomplish this, as you know, i have served as the primary human guinea pig; meaning that for almost 30 years, day and night, i have often lived alone recording quantitative variables continuously. my research began january 1, 1977, becoming by january 1, 1989, a detailed study of 11 variables. special emphasis has been placed on the timing and recording of sleep and dream patterns -- in which my group undoubtedly has been the first to succeed in a complex study lasting more than 16 years.
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