Mental Chronomics
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12-07-2007, 04:40 PM
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Oct 2005
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thanks donald for sharing that - this is definitely a good article to read and reflect upon. i would be interested in seeing how this 260-day cycle relates with the tzolkin. in other words, they could "backtrack" and compare datapoints with tzolkin "energies" and look for correlation.
i certainly am no expert in the tzolkin, but must admit, in my experiences, i have had more "energetic" days during the "loom". however, i have yet to determine if this has "manifested" due to "preconceived notions" or not. in other words, with my knowledge of these special "days" coming up, i would expect to have a "special day", and therefore create it.
this form of the tzolkin as the "harmonic module," (shown above), inclusive of the 52 shaded squares which form what is called the "loom of the maya," is based on dr. jose arguelles' presentation in the mayan factor, and is distinct from the form of the tzolkin as taught and followed by the quiche maya. for instance, the 52-unit loom is a bi-lateral symmetry pattern which reflects the basic pattern of our dna double helix, and was passed down from a secret lineage of yucatec mayan shamans, received and revealed by the works of dr. jose arguelles. integrating the galactic code of light into the genetic code of life, this "portal" formation is a resonant structure linked to the activation of our full dna potential. that was then, this is now. the problem i have with focusing on "loom days" is that i have now come to the conclusion that everyday is special. while i believe in harmonics and agree that some days may hold more energy, more opportunity than others, i don't "live" for just those days, i live for everyday, i live for now. as charran pointed out in a different thread, these are simply tools. we can use them if we wish, but eventually as the transformation to 4d completes, we will no longer need 3d tools...
each day holds the opportunity to experience oneness and serve. :d
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