There's a Lot You Don't Know About What's in Your Food
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04-07-2007, 09:06 PM
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Nov 2005
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on the top ic gene splicing, ...the makers of breyers ice cream, unilever, now splice fish genes into it so it freezes uniformly. this was saddening to me as this ice cream had only a handful of ingredients in it and appeared to be good. won't touch the stuff anymore. it's dead anyway. not live milk like the people in the early 1900's used to have. our health is really suffering because of all of the additives in our foods. i've never seen so many ill people as i do in today's world. just take a look when you walk down a street and ask yourself how many healthy people you see. it is an eye opening experience.
i hear they are also splicing fish genes into the seeds of tomatoes now. why mess with an already perfect tomato.
kimbrell talks about gene hopping from gene-spliced rice plants cascading over to other farmer's fields who are growing non-gene-spliced rice and contaminating it. this is what was planned from the beginning by these gene-splicing companies so that they could make profits. you see, they put a terminator gene into the crop so that farmers can't just reseed their lands from some seed of the current crop. any seeds produced from these gene-spliced plants will not grow baby rice plants. hence, the farmers have to buy more seed and in the process the "mating plants" spread the non-terminating gene and rid the world of the normal god-made rice seeds.
most people in america don't realize that their food costs for conventional produce would be far higher than the price of organic produce if the farmers were not government subsidized for their crops. this is one of the main reason why conventional produce is cheaper to buy...but at what cost to your health?
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