Blood of Jesus Christ
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06-26-2007, 01:51 AM
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Oct 2005
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according to much modern research, the alleged bloodline of jesus had established itself after about 8-12 generations as the so called merovingian or 'longhaired' kings (dagobert et al) centered in gaul (france). this line can be traced forward into many of the royal houses of europe. it is known that a king in those days kept a royal born concubine (mistress), ostensibly to provide his first born son with a half sister to marry, thus increasing the potency of the royal blood. the king would have many children with both the queen and the concubine but these later children figured little in matters of royal succession.
it's possible that this central thread of kingly succession and it's semi-incestuous customs has carried through to the present day, although now being central to the group now known as the 'illuminati'. david wilcock has made reference along this line recently in his 'endgame' blogs, suggesting that this supposed royal lineage direct from king david forms a rationale behind the illuminati's presumptions of superiority and 'divine' right to rule.
to me, the entire concept of this (or any) kingly or divine line which rules others by divine decree smacks of a duality suggestive of a dedicated 'service to self' polarity. it will indeed be interesting to see if the illuminati comes out of the closet in this regard.
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