Discussions About The Secret
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03-31-2007, 12:47 AM
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Nov 2005
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Discussions About The Secret
david, i am one of those who previously felt that no matter how ensconced the "secret" movie and related side products were ensconced in a material perspective, in the end, it would at least get more people to consciously utilizing universal law and creating transformation in their lives, like taking spiritual growth one step at a time for people who might not be interested in such.
your writing on the website and the link to the nyt article led me to reconsider my intiial thoughts. i have begun seeing this as an opportunity to learn how to distinguish between those working for the "service to self" path and those on the "service to others" path, simply for the purpose of clarity without the intention of judging whomever.
your comments would be highly appreciated. btw, kudos for your newly formatted website and forums area! love it! and thank you for your extraordinary efforts to share with us and to keep us informed. you have opened me up to so very much information of value and of deepening or broadening or elevating [whatever!] my perspective on all that is that i could never sufficiently thank you. i also find much of the input from our discussion group membership to also be very helpful, although sometimes the language gets quite technical and thus less accessible to me.
jo anne
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