episodic terror
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05-24-2007, 01:05 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
dear lisa,
i certainly don't feel you are a weirdo because you're having anxiety attacks. you need help. i'm a grandmother and just turned 60 years old. i 've experienced bedtime anxiety attacks off and on over the past two years since i early retired. they were horrible, but i doubt very much if mine had anything to do with spiritual and/or et attacks....just stress, poor diet, inadequate drinking of water, lack of sleep, lack of oxygen, overwork, and lack of sunshine. the two things that i feel really helped me get rid of them are 1) deep breathing exercises and 2) taking vitamin b3 (niacin). i also made sure i was getting enough sunshine on my body (for vitamin d) during the winter. i now take a good multiple vitamin tablet every day to make sure i get a balance of all the vitamins and minerals. our modern diet is notoriously deficient for our body's nutrition. since our son is taking vitamins now for his mental illness, and finding much relief without the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs (poisons) i found out a lot about vitamin deficienies that cause myriad mental illnesses, such as manic depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. do yourself a favor and find a good naturopathic doctor that will help you with megavitamin therapy, or doctor yourself from vitamins you buy at health food stores, keeping careful notes of all the vitamins you take and how they make you feel. research anxiety attack on the www. join where you can read hundreds of forums about every disease and alternate therapy under the sun. good luck. i care and i don't have anything i'm trying to sell you. feel free to email me or im me if you need encouragement.
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