The Rat Messenger
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01-06-2007, 05:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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over twenty years ago after studying the seth material with it's we create our reality theme and louise haye's how to heal yourself i developed a mechanism that i used to catch my attention in order to arrest a pernicious habit of negative self talk...i'd bump my head. the recurring poison ivy theme (in david's blog) as a way of self regulating whether or not you're walking your spiritual talk reminded me of that old habit of head bumping. there was more than once when i almost knocked myself out with the force of the blows i took to my head. i'm happy to say it i gentled my self talk i gentled my other habit of judging and criticizing others. the separation beliefs that make such thinking possible have given way to an authentic sense of oneness that is more about feeling my way along than thinking my way along.
it was a blessing to have a rat come along with a lesson about oneness and a salve for the poison ivy. it's awesome what we can hear from the creatures around us when we listen with spirit ears and speak with spirit voices. as a lifelong organic gardener i've found i can ask aphids to stick to a certain area or plant, and they'll respect the request. if they don't there will be something deeper going on for me to look for. on vision quest fifteen years ago it was ants and ticks that carried the first spirit messages...i'd placed my eight foot medicine circle under three small pines full of ticks in the middle of an an superhighway.
on a recent walk through the woods i found myself eyeball to eyeball with a great horned owl...okay...he was 150 feet away up a tree, it was very much like eyeball to eyeball. i knew immediately that he was a spirit messenger validating the wisdom of a recent decision to make a 180 degree those words passed through my head his head turned 180 degrees. i find myself very able to feel the oneness of this earthly experience in the natural is ever an adventure to find ways of genuinely feeling that way about some people. i know though that if i can't see someone like bush through loving eyes i contribute to the sense of separation and polarization still so prevalent.
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