Scribbly Chat - May 2012
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05-02-2012, 09:46 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
You lot have been busy again
I am just back in from the weeding work.
Today is more of a "well I hope this is worth it one day" than an "it is satisfying" one.
There is no particular reason for it being one rather than the other; generally I can call up the "satisfying" feelings one, but today it isn't working
oh well ... by going down provisioned and in ALF I have been able to do a really steady big heap of stuff ... what's the time now ...1:00PM ... so about 6 hours ' worth ... with a couple of breaks (one of them a good half hour long while I caught up with a friend talking about Watson and little Albert, Skinner and Co and then Dewey blahblahblah so that was a good off topc spell. We got onto the Dionne quins and then the Sara Quads and how the State gets into family stuff ... ideology driven stuff of the science that informed those interventions (Canada particularly) I was glad to have a yarn about all that which made my paid-for-work-life so interesting.
H and M are staying overnight here, so now I have to see if I can find a floor space big enough for them to sleep on!
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