First successful AP but who was she?
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03-20-2011, 03:48 PM
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Oct 2005
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First successful AP but who was she?
Hello everyone,
After some praticing, buzzy sounds and vibrations finally yesterday night I was able to have a real AP. It was awesome and smooth, I was able to control and was able to seperate very easily.
Yesterday night me and my wife had watched TV on the bed (everynight we sleep like this). I've turned around to sleep. But whatever I've done I couldnt be able to sleep. Turned over, upside down but never could, it was like I'll be never able to sleep till morning. Anyway while I was awake and trying to sleep suddenly I've heard some deep sound in my brian, its like one of the sounds in the braingen program ummummummumm. I got prepared cos I knew that it was going to happen. Stayed clear, cleared my mind and let it go, happen. After 10secs or so I started to roll myself and it happened smoothly. At the helf way it stopped but I was able to concentrate and continue rolling. Just after rolling I've wished to be out of my body, and it just happened with some intresting noises and sounds. I was prepared to thoso sounds cos it was not the first time. Anyway, after I've floated something like 1-2 meters high I felt great cos this was the first time I'm leaving my body. I was hearing everything, the TV my internal noise and astral plane sounds which were awesome while pulling my head off. Immediatly after I was 1-2 meters high my vision came, what a beautiful vision, our bedroom was in my view completely and it wasnt really that dark (I really wonder why). I could see everything and was crystal clear but there was someone floating over me too. I was preparing myself to worst everytime (to the situation that I could see other beings, which I know they cant do harm), but I was just enjoying my AP and I've forgotten the possibility to see other beings
I got frightened and immediately but gently returned, try to do again but no hope I was completely awake.
The being I've seen was moving inconsistently, she wasnt moving around the room but just staying over me. Shes lims expecially arms were moving like she was in a shock or someting. Moving left, right, up down really fast, intresting. When I've returned my body I've figured out that she could be my wife dreaming. The thing I've seen has same color but different clothing. My wife has different color and longer hairs. Most importantly this being was not in an energy form, no light, she was in a form like normal humans are when they are in physical form. And this beings face wasnt clear it was blurry but somehow I feel she was looking at me. Could she be my wife which was dreaming? could dhe be my spirit guide? or a random being just was there?
This non energy form really makes me think, and why was she so close to me (or I felt she was close because of the 3rd eye view which is new to me). Any comments appreciated.
Sorry for my english,
Have a nice AP!
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