First post projection
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03-06-2011, 08:07 PM
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Oct 2005
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Hi and thank you for your reply. I am beggining to understand what you are saying. Had a memorable and most amazing projection a few months ago. Was flying over water, it was beautiful the landscape and all, felt totaly safe and it was so clear and vivid. Diving and skimming through the water with great speed and ease. When I noticed that I cannot drown, I really began to enjoy and be in total control, I was like a dolphin in and out of the water, truly amazing! Would that have been in a collective area? I also documented an episode where I was flying through space and a very soothing voice was explaining to me the beggining of the universe. I remember listening to him narrate to me and the words were also being shown to me, similiar to the way Star Wars the movie begins. I vividly still remember thinking at the time, this makes so much sense to me , I can really and truly understand, I better write all this stuff down when I wake up. But when I did I couldnt really remember what he was showing and telling me, but while I was having this projection I was taking it all in. easily.
Would it be possible that I may have seen a part of the Arkashic Records? (apologies if I may have mispelt it). I have just recently found what the Arkashic Records are all about. Before that I had no idea what it was.
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