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03-10-2011, 10:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hi guys thanks for reply. In answering Greytravellers question, I did have the vibrations and I was able to turn and see myself and my wife sleeping beside me. At one time, and this has only happened once, while gently rolling on my side and floating passed my bed, I nearly always try to make an effort to see my physical body and on this occasion, best way to describe it is, a thin cord of brilliant white light in the centre and surrounding it was a illuminated blue light. It was curled and behaving in a way similiar to a garden hose would when you turn it on fully, while it is lying on the ground and it starts squirming all over the place. I saw it on my bed above my body, but cannot recall seeing it coming out of my body. It did freak me out a bit, but I didnt want to return so I proceeded to exit my house. Oh and by the way, it was making a whooshing noise which I could clearly hear. I didnt know at the time what it was, I guess that is why it spooked me. I was on edge around that time it happened because I had an experience were I woke up from a projection or OBE, felt like someone was beside my bed, when I looked up I saw a very short black figure standing right next to me, scared me so much that I hid under the covers, and I guess I felt like I returned again and when I looked again it was gone.
One other time, my daughter and I wanted to try an experiment. She would draw a symbol on a piece of paper, put it up high on her cupboard without me obviously seeing what it was. That night, vibrations were heard and felt, and straight away, I was so excited it was happening cause now I can go and check what the symbol was. Walked, seemed like floating, to her room, grabbed the paper with the symbol, but each time I looked at it it was morphing into different shapes. At one stage it was a happy face then a circle with 3 lines through it, almost looking like a peace sign. When I returned, I grabbed my dream journal straight away and started to draw the shapes that I saw, I did draw a slightly altered peace sign which my daughters original drawing had.
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