Are you guys normal:)?
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03-02-2011, 10:18 PM
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Nov 2005
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Ok, I'll explain very simply and nonscientifically- the Copenhagen interpretation postulates that a quantum particle has two states- wave (also known as everywhere at once; no time) and particle- or, can be found in spacetime. According to the CI a quantum particle only becomes a particle (or, can be found in timespace) when measured or observed.
It has a few interpretations- that observation creates reality (not really, but something like this) or that observation shapes it. Very close but not exactly the same.
and the Bohmian implicate order says that the wave/particle duality inherent in any quantum particle is an indication that we only 'see' the wave/particle duality because we can only see part of the picture- that reality is something more that we haven't figured out how to detect, and that for example, entangled particles are actually views of the same thing, just as you and I are different views of the same thing. He goes on to describe it with the
probe/tv analogy of a fishtank.
I didn't even include Everett's Many World Theories because it's too far out for skeptics to even entertain, much less consider seriously.
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