Are you guys normal:)?
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03-04-2011, 12:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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No, metaphysically speaking, we are mind, body and soul. Our bodies in the material sense occupy time and space, but in the subatomic state, we also occupy nonlocality, that is, there is a part of us that is everywhere at once. The OBE focuses your conscious awareness into that part of your energy that exists within this nonlocal state, and the OBE is a movement of your conscious awareness into that nonlocal state.
So your consciousness expands and 'moves' into a nonlocal state, where it can detect information from those states, and then move back into the physical state where it downloads the information into our brain, where it turns into images, sounds and feelings, and in a way into memories for us to perceive as physical input.
Or something like that. I didn't know you are into QM...I am glad to see you are..practice+theory, that is powerful. You keep impressing me...
Your theory in a way make sense...but since you are trying to explain OBE thru scientific terms, then you also need to define "conscious awareness". In your response you mentioned that but you didn't explain what it is - i.e. magnetic field, quantum information etc.
What is conscious awareness?
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