Spontaneous, Wide Awake, Involuntary Projection
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10-07-2010, 07:18 PM
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Oct 2005
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Good Morning CFTraveler,
Thankyou ! You are the first person to ever tell me they've had this happen to them while awake!
"I never connected this with projection or Kundalini (another big word, lol) but it was what you could call a 'peak' experience.
I guess I would ask you, had you had extreme pressure on the days before this, or was it a 'regular' time up to that moment?"
Yes, a life changing peak experience. For me also. In fact, I was left with the single message that we don't die, we can exist in other worlds. There simply is no death. Prior to this experience I had no thought or knowledge of OOBE, or psychic issues, etc. After it, my life changed completely.
Re: extreme pressure in days before..... no, not at all. I cannot account for it but have come to believe it was some sort of experience, maybe caused by Higher Self, designed to move me out of the path I was going, to a higher path. I know that sounds feeble, but it feels right to me, and it is exactly what happened.
I'll read the tutorials as you suggested, thankyou, as well as train myself to do reality checks in case these spinning dreams are LD incidents. Whatever comes of it.... here we grow again
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