Spontaneous, Wide Awake, Involuntary Projection
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02-27-2011, 05:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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After all these years have passed, I still do feel that this spontaenous projection was the experience I needed that had enough impact to move me to thinking on higher things, to go in another direction or path. But I must admit I have read an explanation of spontaneous projections being a "loose etheric body". What makes it loose, the article never said. Just recently I was experimenting with the breathing technique that Samual Sagan teaches in his Third Eye Meditation course, and after about 5 minutes, there was an incredible pulling feeling.... as if something was pulling a force field (etheric body?) from me. The sensation seemed like many different pulls were being done at once, or maybe better said, as if there were 3 or 4 people pulling my energy (?) body. To stop it, I simply opened my eyes, bringing the meditation to a close. ( If Third Eye Meditation appeals to you, they have a site called Clairvision. ) I have done the Third Eye Meditation since this experience, but have not felt that pulling sensation again.
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