Close encounter
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02-18-2011, 03:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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Close encounter
Hi everyone, It,s good to be back.
I first posted March 22 2010 on this forum under 'My encounter with myself' but was unable to get back on. Got new computer and new e mail address, problem sorted.
I've had about 10 OBE s thanks to Astral Dynamics and hope to share them with you in time but I've chosen the following one today for a reason I,ll explain at the end.
In January last year my father came to live with us after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. This allowed me to get close to my dad and care for him for the last 6 months of his life. At times whilst being self employed and working full time I would be tired, stressed and tested to the limit but my promise to myself was No regrets and dad must Never feel he was a burden. And he never was. I found meditation and reading Bruce's book my little haven I did a lot of energy work . When dad went to bed early I would do the same and read.
Put the handkerchiefs away now.On with the OBE.
Feeling a little lost and flashes of ---what if there is no after life...what if I never will see dad again ...I put out thoughts for a few nights that I want to see my guide. Nothing happened for about 7 days.
One night went to sleep normal. Husband came up to bed after work about 2am So after waking up I'm now trying to get back to sleep. He starts snoring (as usual)Can't get back to sleep but eventually feel relaxed and a sinking feeling.I,ve got to stay awake now because I know this is the best time to achieve an exit.Felt an itch but knew I mustn't move. Then the vibrations started from the toes to the head. This is it. I've done it.
However, unlike before this time I'm rolling around (forward rolling) next thing I know I'm on all fours at the bottom of the bed on top of the bed cover and feeling very embaressed. I look back and can see hubby asleep and can feel the pulling of the cover to get back to my normal sleeping position.Trying to think of an excuse should he wake up and see me.If it was my physical body what would I say.
Vibrations start again but this time very very strong.
I'm now rolling in the opposite direction like a chicken on a skewer.Trying for the rope pull this time it doesn't work so whilst facing the pillow I pushed on the pillow and this seemed to work.
I'm now at a height above my body and suddenly in the corner of the room in front of me was a man.
I'm still turning and he is still there looking at me. I remember saying " OH MY G-D I CAN SEE HIM IS THIS MY GUIDE? i CAN SEE HIM BUT CAN HE SEE ME? At this point he seemed to bend down slightly as if looking through a window and raised his left hand slightly in acknowlegement. There was a slight smile but not the same elation that I was feeling. He then appeared to be holding an open large book and he ( I felt was wanting to get on with Teaching me. )
The energy diminished and he faded away. I felt as though I opened my eyes straight away but who knows?
The problem I have I would welcome some feedback on.
1) Robert says (page 483 AstraL
) " Symptoms of high level contact can appear ....but not through projections"
2) If this was a dream which I know it wasn't surely I would have made him look as I thought he might look?
His appearance took me by complete suprise.
I would say he was in his 30s. Slight oriental background (possibly Chinese) He was very smartly dressed in casual wear with pale trousers and what looked like a polo shirt.
I would have liked him to look a bit more exited at making contact. I hope this was my guide but I would welcome any feedback on this (if your still awake at the end of this) It's taken a double episode of Emmerdale to get through this
Thanks for getting to the end of a long story. Promise to keep the rest short.
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